
This website is basically for recordings made by musicians that have all generally performed at one time or another with Derek G. The band finished playing live a few years ago as a three piece. It originally started as a five piece.
The following pages show pictures of the changing format of the band from the beginning to the end. The first band was basically a rock group, changing more to a function band as the years went by.


It was important that the band had demo CD's, which was an incentive to do our own recordings if possible.        With Derek now on keyboards, it was the inspiration to take up the challenge. Most Keyboards have computer inputs/outputs, which can be utilised providing the right  interface equipment is used.  With basic recording software, digital music can be created using MIDI (Master Instrument Digital Interface). This is a  computer "language" that allows electronic musical instruments to communicate with each other.                                        MIDI had to be learnt and mastered, which was accomplished by Derek over a lengthy period. Recording equipment was now needed, hence the development of a home studio.

A basic track of a whole song would be created using MIDI. The main guitar parts are recorded live by Geoff, with the majority of vocals performed by Annabelle and Lyndsay. There are a few guitar parts played by Jon and Derek. Several songs feature Geoff and Derek on lead and backing vocals, plus a small input by Jon.                    All the recordings are made using MIDI, which allows flexibility in the chosen key and the digital instrumentation. This cannot be achieved using professional backing tracks.